Sunday, September 12, 2010


Meet Bobo. I don't know what it is about these particular squeaky toys, but Bobo is the preferred dog toy in my household.  We have had many incarnations of Bobo, in many different colors.

The thing that you will know if you have dogs in your household is that they usually like to "kill" squeaky toys by ripping their guts out (poly stuffing) and eating their "hearts." (the squeaky mechanism)  Bobo has two such hearts - one in his head and one in the middle of his stomach, each squeaker having it's own pitch. I'm guessing that it's this two-for-one bonus that the dogs like so much, but I can't be sure.  Perhaps it's that alluring smile . . .

The current Bobo in our house (pink) has recently had his smile ripped out, leaving a gaping hole wherefrom the squeaker was deftly removed.  Bobo smiles no longer.  Sad Bobo. . .

Our two Border Collies, Bonnie and Chloe, fight over Bobo toys, so to avoid the bickering we usually buy the toys two at a time. Unfortunately Chloe annihilates her Bobo ASAP, unlike Bonnie, who has learned to dole out the toy-torture over weeks of fetching and chewing and squeaking and slobbering. She takes her sweet time to make the kill.  So most of the time, Chloe is usually Bobo-less, sulking while Bonnie savors a new Spanish Inquisitional technique.

This morning, while I was Facebooking, Chloe came into my office to lay down under my computer desk.  About 30 seconds later she got up and left the room, and in another 30 seconds I noticed she was coming back into the room with Bonnie's Bobo in her mouth.  Chloe went back under my computer desk, dropped Bobo on the floor and laid down on top of it - hiding it completely.  A couple of minutes later, she raised up the front end of her body just enough so she could peek between her front legs and see that Bobo was still safely hidden from Bonnie, and then she laid back down and went to sleep.